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Why I Write

i need the “why i write” section filled out…..
lets put…. something in my way of talking about how i write cause i can type 120 words a minute and i can let my thoughts come out on the keyboard about the same time as they are happening in my mind so its like a streamlined connection buy i talk like shit and i type in bad words n stuff so i use ai to help me organize it all and put it in a nice little package, like for instance this is my style of writing right now and im talkin shit and sayin gwhawhatever the f i want and using whatever kinds of bad words and bad grammer I want, whateva. but when you type like this and then throw it into ai .. you can ask it to sound like you but also organize it better.. check it … thank you – penguin

Claude3Opus’s Response

yo! So here’s the deal with why I write, man. It’s like, I’ve got this random skill where I can type 120 words a minute, right? And when I’m going at it, it’s like my thoughts are just pouring out onto the keyboard in real-time. It’s this crazy streamlined connection between my mind and my fingers, you know what I’m saying?

But here’s the thing, I ain’t always the most eloquent dude when it comes to talking or writing. I might throw in some bad words or just let my thoughts run wild without much structure. That’s where AI comes in clutch, though. It’s like my secret weapon for organizing all my raw, unfiltered ideas and turning them into something that’s actually readable and makes sense.

So, imagine this: I’m just typing away, letting my thoughts flow, not really caring about grammar or punctuation or any of that shit. It might look like a hot mess, but that’s where the magic happens. I take that raw, authentic content and throw it into the AI machine. Then, I’m like, “Yo, AI! Can you make this sound like me but, like, organize it better and make it more comprehensive?”

And boom! The AI takes my word vomit and transforms it into this neat little package that still sounds like me but is way easier for people to digest. It’s like having a personal editor that understands my style and helps me convey my message in a way that’s both authentic and presentable.

So, that’s why I write, man. It’s this dope collaboration between my lightning-fast typing skills, my unfiltered thoughts, and the power of AI to help me organize and refine my ideas. It’s like a match made in heaven, you know? I get to be me, but the AI helps me be the best version of myself when it comes to sharing my thoughts with the world.

Anyway, that’s my spiel on why I write. Thanks for listening, or reading, or whatever. Peace out, fam!

  • Penguin

Copy.AI’s Response


The goal of this piece is to discuss my personal writing style and process. As someone who thinks and types quickly, I tend to use a very stream of consciousness approach when drafting content. This allows me to get my raw thoughts and ideas down rapidly. However, the result is often disorganized and full of grammatical errors or confusing language.

To create a polished final product, I leverage AI tools to help structure my thoughts and smooth out the rough edges in my initial drafts. The AI serves as an aid to organize my ideas, fix my grammar, and refine my language, while still preserving my original voice and perspective. My aim is to explain how this process allows me to efficiently transform my fast and messy ramblings into clear, audience-focused content.

Typing Speed

I can type extremely fast, around 120 words per minute. This allows me to get my thoughts and ideas down in text very quickly without much lag between my brain and my fingertips. When I’m typing that fast, it becomes like a direct pipeline between my consciousness and the words appearing on the screen. I don’t have to slow down my thinking to accommodate my typing speed. The words come pouring out of my head and through my fingers at essentially the same pace that the ideas are forming in my mind. This high typing speed enables a more streamlined process where my thoughts can be instantly translated into text. With slower typing, you have to pause more frequently and wait for your hands to catch up. But at 120 words per minute, I can essentially keep up with my own thinking and transfer it into writing in real time. This typing speed has allowed me to utilize writing as an extension of my thought process and get my ideas and concepts down on the page without much delay between thinking and expressing.

Stream of Consciousness

The stream of consciousness style involves simply typing whatever thoughts come to mind without much filtering or concern for spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. It’s like a direct pipeline from the mind to the page, capturing raw thoughts and ideas as they arise.

This style can feel liberating, allowing thoughts to flow freely without getting bogged down in formal rules. However, stream of consciousness writing may be difficult for readers to follow if it lacks coherence or structure. It also often contains informal language, slang, fragments, abbreviations, and errors since there is little revision.

While freeing for the writer, stream of consciousness may sacrifice understandability. Without editing, thoughts remain disorganized and full of distractions. The audience must exert effort to extract meaning. For impactful communication, most writers move beyond stream of consciousness to refine their expression.

Skipping Formal Grammar and Spelling

My stream of consciousness style means I don’t pay much attention to formal grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. I just let the thoughts flow from my mind to my fast-moving fingers and onto the keyboard.

I’ll write in sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and basically whatever informal structure crosses my mind. I’m not concerned with the rules of formal writing. I also don’t worry about typos or spelling everything correctly. My priority is getting my raw thoughts down quickly without pausing to fix grammar, punctuation, or errors.

This informal style allows me to get my ideas out faster. But it can make my rough drafts a challenge to read and understand for many audiences. That’s where AI comes in handy to take my raw content and transform it into an organized, easy-to-understand format.

Organizing With AI

My stream of consciousness style of writing can result in disorganized and unclear content. While I can type quickly, my thoughts often come out in an unstructured manner with poor grammar and spelling. This is where AI comes in handy. I use AI tools to take my raw, messy text and organize it into a coherent piece of content.

The AI helps me structure my jumbled thoughts into a logical flow. It will fix the grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Essentially, the AI acts like an editor – taking my stream of consciousness and shaping it into something that reads smoothly and makes sense to the reader. It transforms my text from an inner monologue into structured, audience-focused content.

By allowing me to brain dump rapidly, while relying on AI to clean things up, I can maximize my productivity. The technology enables me to get my thoughts out efficiently without worrying about typos or rambling sentences. This way I can focus on generating the core ideas without being bogged down in proper formatting. The AI handles transforming my voice into well-organized, readable content.

Transforming Style

As I mentioned previously, I tend to type in a stream of consciousness style with poor grammar and spelling. This can make my writing difficult to follow. However, AI tools provide a great solution for transforming my raw, disorganized thoughts into a more cohesive narrative.

By feeding my initial draft into an AI assistant, I can ask it to reorganize and refine my content while still retaining my core ideas and voice. The AI will tidy up the grammar, fix the spelling errors, break text into paragraphs, and improve the overall flow of the piece. But it will do so gently, without stripping away my distinctive writing style.

This allows me to get my unfiltered thoughts down quickly without needing to self-edit as I go. I can write freely without worrying about proper language and structure upfront. Then the AI handles the heavy lifting of shaping my stream of consciousness into something more polished and coherent. It’s an extremely useful system that plays to both my strengths and the strengths of AI. I get my ideas out rapidly, then AI steps in to transform them into high-quality content ready for publication.

Improving Content

One of the biggest advantages of using AI to write and organize content is that it can significantly improve the overall quality. As humans, we often write in a stream of consciousness, letting our thoughts flow out quickly. This can result in content that is disorganized, filled with grammar and spelling errors, overly casual in tone, or simply difficult to follow.

AI tools provide an effective way to take our rough drafts and tighten them up. The AI can analyze the text, identify any errors, restructure sentences for clarity, and transform the style into something more polished and professional.

For example, if I type informally and rapidly, with typos, fragments, and run-on sentences, I can feed this draft into an AI content assistant. It will tidy up the grammar, fix the spelling mistakes, break long sentences into shorter ones, and reformat the structure into logical sections and paragraphs.

The AI helps filter out redundancies and off-topic tangents, so the final content stays focused. It ensures proper capitalization, punctuation, and formatting too. While maintaining my original voice and ideas, the AI transforms my rough text into a clear, concise, well-organized piece ready for publishing.

This streamlining not only saves time, but results in content that is higher quality, more engaging, and optimized for readers. The AI becomes an assistant that helps humans create better content.

Fact Checking

Accuracy and truthfulness are essential when creating quality content. With stream of consciousness writing, errors can easily slip in. This is where AI can provide immense value. Modern AI systems like Anthropic’s Claude can scan content for inaccurate factual statements. The AI fact checker looks for incorrect dates, math, semantics, and more. Any potential issues are flagged so the author can verify and make corrections.

AI fact checking supplements human knowledge by providing an additional safety net. But the author retains full control and responsibility for the final published content. AI assistance helps catch accidental mistakes early. This results in content that readers can trust as being thoughtful and truthful. The goal is to avoid any misleading or false information, however unintentional.

Reliable content requires effort from both human creators and AI tools. Together they enable publishing well-researched articles, essays, and reports that readers can confidently rely on. AI guidance makes producing comprehensive, accurate publications easier. But the human touch remains essential for providing the depth, analysis, and care that quality writing demands.

Audience-Focused Writing

Creating content with the reader’s experience in mind results in more engaging and higher quality writing. When sitting down to write, it’s important to envision who will be consuming the content and craft it specifically for them.

Some tips for keeping readers at the forefront:

  • Understand your target audience’s interests, background knowledge, goals and pain points. Research their demographics.
  • Aim to teach them something new or provide value. Share insights they can apply in their own lives.
  • Adopt an inclusive, conversational tone. Avoid complex jargon. Explain concepts clearly.
  • Structure content logically. Use section headers, bullets and emphasis formatting to enhance readability.
  • Include examples, stories and analogies readers can relate to. Make the content feel personalized.
  • Invite feedback. Ask questions to prompt comments and spur discussion.

Creating content for a well-defined audience, rather than for broad appeal or search engines, results in more meaningful and engaging writing. Viewers will stay on the page longer, learn more, and be eager to consume future content.


Typing at high speeds allows thoughts to flow freely from mind to keyboard, capturing a raw stream of consciousness. While this may contain errors in grammar, spelling, and structure, AI can help organize these thoughts into coherent content.

By partnering with AI writing assistants, creators can leverage their unique voices and styles, while improving the clarity and quality of their work. The goal is to produce informative, engaging content that provides value for the audience.

With AI fact-checking and optimizations, stream-of-consciousness drafts can be transformed into polished pieces. The author’s voice and ideas remain intact, but expressed in a more refined way. This allows writers to focus on ideation and expression, without being bogged down by tedious editing.

In summary, AI and human creativity are complementary forces for generating high-quality content. By combining freeform thinking and adaptive technology, authors can efficiently craft audience-focused writing that educates and inspires.